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Docker registry provisioning

Note. This document describes provisioning procedure. If you want just to update the images, see the updating manual.

To provision a docker registry, you will:

  1. Prepare the machine
  2. Install Docker
  3. Start the registry
  4. Pull and mirror the images

The following sections describe these steps in details.

Preparing the machine

  1. Spawn a VM in VMWare using the CentOS / Ubuntu image as template (the rest of instruction will assume (CentOS 7).

    • Choose the machine name winci-registry
    • When asked about which customization to use, select DHCP.
  2. Log in using ssh and set the hostname:

    Edit the file /etc/hostname and type the same name as used in step 1.

  3. Update the system using yum upgrade and reboot.

  4. Set up static IP:

    Log in using ssh and change the IP configuration to manual, by modifying the following file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192: Change the line with BOOTPROTO to


    and add the following lines at the end of that file:


    This IP is used by the controller role in our CI, as a docker_registry parameter

  5. Then reboot the machine and log in using the new IP.

Installing Docker

  1. Install Docker using package manager

    yum install docker
    systemctl enable docker
    systemctl start docker
  2. Allow the ci-repo (from which we will be pulling the images) to use HTTP:

    • Add this line to /etc/docker/daemon.json (if the file is not there, create it):

      { "insecure-registries":[""] }{}
    • Restart docker to apply changes

      systemctl restart docker

Starting the registry

Starting the registry

Start the registry container:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

The container with the registry is set to autostart, so no further configuration is needed.

Pulling and mirroring the images

Refer to the registry update manual to pull and start mirroring the images.

Possible improvements

Perhaps we can also try mirroring base images for speed.


  1. Deploy a registry server — Docker Documentation